Understanding Online Child Pornography
Online child pornography involves the exploitation of minors (below 18 years) in sexually explicit acts/conducts through images or videos. Predators lurking on social media platforms, gaming sites, and chat rooms lure children and adolescents into situations with the motive of sexual abuse/exploitation.
Why Should We Be Concerned?
Victims of online child pornography suffer immense trauma, both mentally and physically, leading to depression, isolation, and substance abuse. It's imperative to address this issue to protect our children from such heinous crimes.
Warning Signs
- Feelings of guilt, shame, and wrongdoing burden the child
- Extreme physical pain and emotional disturbance
- Signs of sadness, distress, isolation, and depression in the child
Safeguarding Measures
- Exercise caution when interacting with unknown individuals online
- Confirm the identity of online contacts through trusted friends
- Never agree to meet a stranger offline without informing parents
- Educate children on secure digital practices and dangers of befriending online strangers
- Cut off all contact with suspicious individuals and report them immediately
- Enable security and privacy features on social media accounts
- Contact helpline numbers provided by authorities for assistance
Taking Action Against Online Child Pornography
- Register a complaint online on cybercrime.gov.in, with the option of anonymous registration.
- File a complaint at the nearest cybercrime police station.
Legal Provisions
Online child pornography is a severe non-bailable offense under the law, attracting sections 293 of IPC, 67B of I.T. Amendment Act 2008 (addressing child pornography), and section 14 of POCSO Act, 2012. Offenders can face a maximum jail term of 10 years along with fines.
- CyberAwareness CyberSafety
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