A computer virus is a malicious program capable of replicating and attaching itself to other programs or files, infecting a system without the user’s knowledge. These viruses spread primarily through human actions, such as sharing infected files or downloading from untrusted sources. All computer viruses are man-made and require human assistance to propagate.
How Viruses Infect Computers
1. Email Attachments: Viruses can infiltrate your system through email attachments, especially those with extensions like .exe, .vbs, .shs, .pif, and .cmd. Sometimes, these attachments may have double extensions (e.g., hi.doc.exe), disguising their true nature. Opening such files can introduce a virus into your system.
Tip: Always check the file extensions and scan email attachments before opening them.
2. Downloads from Untrusted Sites: Downloading applications or files from untrusted websites often leads to virus infections. These viruses are hidden in the files or programs you download.
Tip: Set your browser to only open web pages from trusted sites.
3. Removable Media: Viruses can spread via removable media such as USB drives, CDs, and DVDs. Copying files from an infected medium can introduce a virus into your computer.
Tip: Always scan removable media before opening any files.
4. Downloading Games: Games downloaded from untrusted sources can harbor viruses and worms. These malicious programs may be hidden within the game files.
Tip: Scan files both before and after downloading them.
5. File Sharing: Sharing files between computers can also spread viruses. If one computer is infected, it can transmit the virus to another through shared files.
Tip: Scan files before sharing them.
Signs of a Computer Virus
- Slower than normal performance
- Frequent system lockups or crashes
- Unexpected system restarts
- Applications malfunctioning
- Inaccessible disks or disk drives
- Printing issues
- Unusual error messages
- Distorted menus and dialog boxes
Preventing Virus Infections
1. Check Attachments: Always scan email attachments before opening them and ensure they come from known, trusted sources.
2. Verify Extensions: Check file extensions before downloading. Avoid files with double extensions, as these are often used to disguise malicious content.
3. Adjust Browser Settings: Configure your browser to only allow downloads and access from trusted websites.
4. Ignore Emails from Unknown Users: Avoid downloading attachments or files from unknown sources. It’s safer to ignore or delete these emails.
5. Use Antivirus Software: Install reputable antivirus software and keep it updated with the latest patches. Regularly scan your system and downloaded files for potential threats.
Computer viruses are a significant threat to system security, but with vigilant practices and the right tools, you can protect your computer from these malicious programs. Stay informed, be cautious with downloads and emails, and always keep your antivirus software updated to maintain a secure digital environment.
- CyberAwareness CyberSafety
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