Unveiling Doxxing
Doxxing occurs when your personal information, such as your address and telephone number, is publicly disclosed online with the intent to invite harassment or harm from others.
Why Should We Be Concerned?
Doxxing exposes your personal information to false accusations and online harassment, violating your privacy and subjecting you to humiliating experiences and social stigma.
Signs of Being Affected
Watch out for signs such as anxiety, depression, mood swings, and feelings of stress or isolation when using your mobile or browsing online.
Safeguarding Measures
Protect yourself against doxxing by taking the following precautions:
- Avoid sharing personal information publicly online.
- Use strong, unique passwords and enable two-factor authentication for your social media accounts.
- Employ a VPN to encrypt your data and protect your IP address while browsing the internet.
- Save evidence such as screenshots for future reference.
Taking Action Against Doxxing
If you become a victim of doxxing:
- Register a complaint at your nearest cybercrime police station.
- File an online complaint anonymously on cybercrime.gov.in.
- Report the incident to the social media account help center.
Legal Perspective
While there's no specific law against doxxing in India, existing laws against voyeurism, divulging sexually explicit content, defamation, and online stalking can be applicable. Doxxing violates our fundamental right to privacy and dignity, emphasizing the need for it to be recognized as a criminal offense.
- CyberAwareness CyberSafety
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